Wednesday, April 2, 2014

OCNA Pathtag winners announced!

We have the winners of our 2nd Pathtag contest, which was billed as "Win some OCNA Pathtags part Deux". All winners responded within about 3 hours of being notified via email on Monday morning, March 31st. It looks like we forgot to mention when announcing the winners of our last contest that beginning with that contest (The Travel Fleas Holiday Giveaway), we started using the website to choose the winner(s). We were inspired to do so by The Outdoor Blogger Network, which we are a member of, after noticing one of their very well done contests to win one of 5 pairs of hiking boots to review on your blog (obviously, we didn't win!). Rebecca from The OBN actually makes videos of her prize drawings, but we're not that advanced (yet). Watch the video, or above you see a screenshot of the website. You put in a Min. number (and our Google Docs entry forms start at 2), with a Max. of the number of the last entry on the form, and you simply hit "Generate".

Our Grand Prize winner, of five of our Pathtags was Mark AKA themulcher, a Geocacher from Charlotte, North Carolina.The 2nd prize winner, of three Pathtags, was Ed AKA bmzdaddy, a Geocacher from Chesterfield, Missouri. The 3rd prize winner, of two Pathtags was Andy, whose children (ages 7 and 10) cache as g00fballz. They are from Prince George, British Columbia. Hey, our first international winner! Congratulations to all three of them!! Thanks to all who entered the contest as well.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks guys! Am I really the first international winner? That's pretty cool.

